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-=Intrinsics[Chimney Cat]=-*An Exercise In Self-Sustaining Alchemy
**You count as both a living creature and construct.
**You are immune to diseasenon-damaging extremes of temperature.**You have tactical advantage on saving throws are immune to avoid being poisoned.**You have resistance against disease, poison, and poison damage. **You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe. Your body ''does'' go through the motions of breathing for reasons unknown, and you ''can'' eat and/or drink if you wish, though nothing inhaled or consumed will have any effect whatsoever on your person barring extreme circumstances. That said, what exactly your body does with what it inhales/consumes remains something of a mystery. Turns out you don't need to make any visits to the bathroom either. **No doubt much to your chagrin, these immunities also extend to magical potions/edibles. Those don't work on you either (barring extreme circumstances, of course).
*Angles Are Attitudes
**You are proficient in the use of all headgear.
**If there are requirements to use a piece of headgear safely, or differing, possibly mutually exclusive requirements to take advantage of different features of said headgear, you may selectively assume to meet any or all of those requirements, no matter how seemingly illogical, at will.
**Cursed headgear has no effect on you.
*Are Your Knees Cold?
**You may equip up to three pieces of headgear. Do not question the logistics of this.
*Barricade Of Reason
**ou are immune to charm.
**You are immune to Confusion.
**You are immune to fear.
**You don’t need to sleep and don’t suffer the effects of exhaustion due to lack of rest, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
**When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six four hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal. *Dark Vision[xxx’120’]*Feline Agility*Gunslinger **Due to all that carefully engineered instinctive hard wiring the Noble Master imbued them with, all Chimney Cats (including you) are inherently proficient with all firearms. **The first attack you make in a combat with a firearm has tactical advantage and one free luck re-roll.Hyperdimensional Hyperbole**If an attack is made by anyone during a surprise round in which you possess ready access to a functional firearm and would not otherwise be able to act normally, you immediately use your reaction in response to attack something (anything you want, really) with the firearm in question. *I Only Wanted To Pay For College **The second, third, and fourth attacks you make during a combat have tactical disadvantage. *It’s A Kitty! *Knife-Twisting Conscience
*Math Wrath
*Propriety And SobrietyMinotaur Of The Paper Labyrinth**You are immune to boredomyou have tactical advantage on all rolls that involve dealing with, understanding, undermining, or simply bypassing bureaucracy.*Propriety And Sobriety
**You are immune to addiction.
**You are immune to boredom. *Seventeen Shots, One KillNo Kills**If, after damage is rolled, a ranged attack you just made would reduce the target to 0 hp or less, you can specify that the attack was meant to be non-lethal. The target is then rendered unconscious instead of dying. *Social Justice Wizard**If, after damage is rolled, a spell you just cast would reduce the target to 0 hp or less, you can specify that the spell was meant to be non-lethal. The target is then rendered unconscious instead of dying.*The Distance Between Wise-Cracking And Wit**you receive +2 Intelligence and +2 Charisma.
*Tell All The Truth, But Tell It Slant
**Due to all that carefully engineered instinctive hard wiring the Noble Master imbued them with, all Chimney Cats (including you) are inherently proficient in the Charisma[Persuasion] skill. **As long as you're not outright lying, you have tactical advantage on all Charisma[Persuasion] checks. (Hyperbole, spin-doctoring, turd-polishing, rhetorical word-twisting, and applying your finest lipstick to the ugliest pig you have is not only totally kosher for this ability, but well within theme and encouraged.) *Ten-And-Two**So long as you possess proficiency with the vehicle you're operating, "reckless" operation is just as safe (to yourself, passengers, and bystanders) as "cautious" operation.**You can not be subject to tactical disadvantage on checks for operating a vehicle you're proficient in "recklessly." However, You may still be subject to tactical disadvantage for other circumstances.When operating a vehicle you're proficient in "recklessly," you have tactical advantage on all checks related to operating that vehicle.
*Work Ethic
**Poorly informed admiration for the so-called “puritan work effort” quickly falls to the wayside when one finally gets the chance to witness the inspired nose-to-the-grindstone dedication of the average Chimney Cat in action. The first three exhaustion levels you accrue You are ignored for the purposes of determining the overall effects of immune to exhaustion.