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*An Exercise In Self-Sustaining Alchemy
**Due the traditional method of their creation, Chimney Cats You count as both a living creatures creature and constructsconstruct.**You are immune to disease.
**You have tactical advantage on saving throws to avoid being poisoned.
**You have resistance against poison damage.
**You ''technically'' don’t need to sleep and don’t suffer theeffects of exhaustion due to lack of rest, and magic can’t put you to sleep.**When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive,motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.
*Dogs Devour; Cats Dine
*Dark Vision[xxx’]
**Due to all that carefully engineered instinctive hard wiring the Noble Master imbued them with, all Chimney Cats (including you) are inherently proficient in all firearms for free.
**The first attack you make in a combat with a firearm has tactical advantage and one free luck re-roll.
**If an attack is made by anyone during a surprise round in which you possess ready access to a functional firearm and would not otherwise be able to act normally, you immediately use your reaction in response to attack something (anythingyou want, really) with the firearm in question.
*I Only Wanted To Pay For College
**The second, third, and fourth attacks you make during a combat have tactical disadvantage.
*Math Wrath
*Propriety And Sobriety
**You are immune to any form of mind or behavior altering effects of consumed substancesboredom.**You are immune to addiction.
*Seventeen Shots, One Kill
**If, after damage is rolled, a ranged attack you just made would reduce the target to 0 hp or less, you can specify that the attack was meant to be non-lethal. The target is then rendered unconscious instead of dying.