Timeline (Ravenloft)
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Current Date
circa 754
date | event |
1 | The Nation of Barovia is founded on an unknown world by the ancestors of Strahd von Zarovich. Virtually nothing else is known about this place or time. |
299 | Strahd von Zarovich is born in Barovia. |
320 | The Tergs invade Barovia, conquering the ancestral lands of the von Zarovich family. |
321 | Strahd von Zarovich leads the armies of Barovia in battle againist the Tergs in an attempt to reclaim his ancestral lands. |
321 | Strahd von Zarovich leads the armies of Barovia in battle againist the Tergs in an attempt to reclaim his ancestral lands. |
347 | The defeated Tergs are driven from Barovia. Strahd claims the throne as his reward. |
349 | Sergei von Zarovich comes to live in Castle Ravenloft. |
351 | The Demiplane of Dread forms as Barovia appears and Strahd becomes a vampire. |
352 | Strahd asserts his authority as Lord of Barovia. |
398 | Strahd tracks down and punishies the traitor, Leo Dilisnya. |
400 | First reappearance of Tatyana. |
452 | The vampire Jander Sunstar is drawn into Ravenloft. |
470 | The Vistana Madam Eva forges an alliance with Strahd von Zarovich. |
528 | Powerful heroes assault Castle Ravenloft, confront Strahd, and are killed. |
542 | Azalin the Lich enters Barovia and the service of Strahd. |
547 | The domain of Forlorn is formed. |
551 | The domains of Har'Akir and Zherisia are formed. |
564 | The domain of Sebua is formed. |
570 | The domain of Kalidnay is formed. |
575 | The domains of Arak and Lamordia are formed. |
579 | The domain of Mordent is formed. |
579 | Azalin abandons Strahd, and Darkon is formed. |
581 | The domain of Bluetspur is formed. |
583 | The monster Adam abducts Elise. |
588 | The domain of Keening is formed. |
590 | The domain of Pharazia is formed. |
593 | The domain of Gundarak is formed. |
600 | The domain of Vechor is formed. |
603 | The domain of Invidia is formed. |
610 | Harkon Lukas enters Ravenloft. |
613 | The evil of Harkon Lukas is embraced as the domain of Kartakass is formed. |
620 | The domain of Timor is formed. |
622 | Castle Thisteroinra is extended by Tristen ApBlanc in Forlorn. |
625 | The domain of Valachan is formed. |
630 | The Sea of Sorrows appears to the west of the Core. |
635 | The domains of Graben and Souragne are formed. |
639 | Lyssa von Zarovich becomes a vampire. |
643 | Ann Campbell lays a cures on Burton Westcote. |
646 | Avonleigh is drawn into Ravenloft. |
682 | The domain of Nova Vaasa is formed. |
683 | The Nightmare Lands are formed, and Lamordia joins the Core. |
684 | The domain of Borce is formed. |
689 | Vlad Drakov enters Ravenloft. |
690 | The domain of Falkovnia is formed. |
691 | The domain of Tepest is formed. |
694 | The domain of Richemulot is formed. |
698 | The domain of Markovia is formed. |
700 | The armies of Falkovnia attack Darkon but are repelled by legions of undead. |
702 | The domain of G'Henna is formed. |
704 | The armies of Falkovnia attack Darkon but are again repelled by legions of undead. |
707 | The domain of Dementlieu is formed. |
708 | The domain of Arkandale is formed. |
711 | For the third time, the armies of Falkovnia invade Darkon and are defeated. |
711 | Ivana Boritsi poisons her mother and becomes darklord of Borca. |
714 | The domain of Hazlan is formed. |
715 | The domain of Dorvinia is formed. |
720 | Lord Soth enters Ravenloft. |
720 | The domain of Sithicus is formed. |
722 | Drakov's armies attempt a fourth invasion of Darkon and again fall before legions of undead. |
722 | The piper of Hamelyn attempts to rid Ste. Ronges of rats and perishes. |
726 | Jaqueline Renier becomes darklord of Richemulot. |
729 | Gabrielle Aderre kills Bakholis and become darklord of Invidia. |
730 | The domain of Verbrek is formed. |
731 | The domain of Vorostokov is formed. |
732 | The domain of Nosos is formed. |
732 | The domain of I'Cath is formed. |
734 | Rudolph van Richten vows to pursue and destroy the evil. |
735 | The Vistani seer Hyskosa records his Dire Prophecy predicting the Grand Conjunction. |
735 | Aurek and Dmitri Nuikin travel to Richemulot and confront Jaqueline Renier. |
735 | The son of Leith sacrifices himself to destroy the Gathering Cloth. |
736 | The first of Hyskosa's prophecies comes to pass. |
736 | Duke Gundar is killed, and Gundarak is swallowed up by surrounding domains. |
737 | The second of Hyskosa's prophecies comes to pass. |
737 | Harkon Likas attempts to reconcile with his illegitimate son, Casimir. |
738 | The domain of Odiare forms. |
738 | The third of Hyskosa's prophecies comes to pass. |
739 | The High Master Illithid conspires with Lyssa von Zarovich to become lord of Bluetspur. |
740 | In the haste to bring about the Grand Conjunction, Azalin forces the last two elements of Hyskosa's Dire Prophecy to occur out of sentence. Thus, the Grand Conjunction collapses, and the Demiplane of Dread is not dispersed, although its geography is altered. |
740 | Saragossa, Sri Raji, and the Wildlands join together, forming the Steaming Lands cluster. |
741 | The tomb of Sachemet is disturbed. |
742 | Roja attempts to usurp ruleship in Zherisia and fails. |
743 | Baron Westcote is finally freed form his curse. |
744 | Adventures awaken Lord Soth form his enchanted trance. |
744 | Paridon and Timor join together to form Zherisia cluster. |
745 | Malistroi the Nalfeshnee attempts to gain control of G'Henna. |
746 | Hak'AKir, Pharzia, and Sebua join together, forming the Amber Wastes cluster. |
747 | Mallocchio, son of Gabrielle Aderre, is revealed to be the next Dukkar. |
747 | Avonleigh, Nidalia, and Shadowborn Manor join together to from the Shadowborn cluster. |
748 | Sylus Andropov is freed from the Nightmare Court. |
748 | The Night Terror is laid to rest. |
749 | The Grim Harvest begins as Azalin plots to escape Ravenloft. In an early test of processes that Azalin hopes will make him a demilich, one of his agents is transformed into a terrible creature calling himself only Death. |
749 | The broken one Akanga leads a rebellion in Markovia. |
750 | Rudolph van Richten dies in final battle with Madam Radanavich. |
750 | The Grim Harvest culminates as Azalin disappears, and the realm of Darkon is transformed into Necropolis. The creature calling himself Death claims ruleship of the new domain. |
750 | Vecna and Kas the Destroyer are drawn into Ravenloft, and Burning Peaks cluster is formed. |
750 | The Noctural Sea and its islands appear to the east of the Core. |