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Olon Silverbeard

120 bytes added, 04:38, 17 June 2023
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Is the third son of Fanglor Silverbeard, a major noble of the city (insert dwarven city). Olon is the backup heir to the house in case the eldest brother dies. His 2nd oldest brother has forsaken name and title to serve his deity.
He is well educated in history, politics, administration, but really excels at battle. Has a great deal of experience with fighting as he fought for some time in the cities colosseum, until his 2nd older brother left the family. Was raised with [[Thumor Brickshield]], who was taken in by his family. Is on great terms with Thumor versus his older brothers who are busy with their own schemes. Olon is Thumor's right hand man, and was eager head out into the surface world to avoid a death from political intrigue.
[[Category:The Devil's Ferris Wheel]]

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