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!!!===Secondary Attributes===
!!!===Special Features===
!!!===Weapon Proficiencies===
!!!===Non-Weapon Proficiencies===
*(alias(Mister Bojo))
Mr. Bojo
,no edit summary
{DIV(class=>class, type=>div, align=>left, float=>right)}{IMG(fileId="4",link="Greyhawk+Campaign",align="center",alt="Infobox-Greyhawk Campaign")}{IMG}::((non-player character))::NPC{IMG(fileId="74",thumb="y",width |portrait="150px",align="center",alt="Character Portrait")}{IMG}JackRusselTerrier.jpg ||level=9+17 HD |__9+17__experience= |race=[[jack russell terrier]] |__((Jack Russell Terrier))__class=[[familiar]]class |__((familiar))__kit= |gender|__((=male))__ |alignment|__((=chaotic Good))__good |affiliations|__((the =[[The Soap Maker))__]] |status|__active__||{DIV=active}}
Faithful canine companion and familiar.
Smarter than every member of the party, other than his master, (([[the Soap Maker))]].
Absolutely ''hates'' [[gully dwarves]].
Str: 10
Dex: 18
Cha: 14
HP: 89
Thaco: 11
Movement: 15
Bite (Speed: 0 RoA: 1/1, Thac0: 11, Damage: 1d4/1d4)
*Alter Self(other familar types)
*Blending (as robe) for 2 rounds/master level/day
*Telekinesis (25 lbs., 10 ft/round, fine manipulation)
7 left
*Direction Sense (Wis+1)
*Endurance (con)
*Trailing (Dex)
[[Category:Greyhawk Campaign]]
[[Category:Non-Player Characters]]