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[[File:Gold star.jpg|thumb|A for Effort!]]
[[File:Char Blue.png|thumb]]
The person standing before you is a man of an average paleish complexion, averageishly dark equally pale (and average) hair, normal build, and boring height. He seems both vaguely like a local --or perhaps more like someone who regularly makes vague, half-hearted attempts to pass as a local-- and lost somewhere in the depth of middle age.
His name is equally vague and unmemorable. If you need to get his attention, in most cases, a simple "Hey You" will suffice, unless there's a dog nearby. In that case, "Hey You" always refers to the dog. In the case of dog, "sir,: " "Doctor," or some variant thereof, also usually works in most cases. Should that fail, using a random name that doesn't belong to anyone else nearby has been known to work in a pinch.
(There are a few who call him "Blue" for some reason, however, though it is a very small few.)