Domain of Greyhawk
{DIV(class=>class, type=>div, align=>left, float=>right)} {IMG(fileId="4",link="Greyhawk+Campaign",align="center",alt="Greyhawk Campaign")}{IMG}
- region::
{IMG(fileId="21",thumb="y",width="150px",align="center",alt="Domain of Greyhawk Map")}{IMG} ||capital|__((Free City of Greyhawk|Greyhawk))__ ruler|__((Nerof Gasgol))__ population|__75,000__ races|__((humans))__%%%__((dwarves))__%%%__((elves))__%%%__((half-elves))__%%%__((halflings))__%%%__((gnomes))__||{DIV} The __Domain of Greyhawk__ is not a unified nation-state, but rather a loosely defined region which has become dependent on the ((Free City of Greyhawk)), both defensively and politically. In the political arena of the ((Flanaess)), __Greyhawk__ and its surrounding region has become a de facto neutral area which has allowed it to grow to be the continent's largest center of trade.
!!Notable Features
- ((Castle Greyhawk))
- ((Elmshire))
- ((Ery River))
- ((Ford Keep))
- ((Free City of Greyhawk))
- ((Hardby))
- ((Mistmarsh))
- ((One Ford))
- ((Peculiar Manor))
- ((Selintan River))
- ((Two Ford))
- ((Woolly Bay))
!!Nearby Regions
- ((Bright Desert))
- ((County of Urnst))
- ((Duchy of Urnst))
- ((Kingdom of Celene))
- ((Kingdom of Furyondy))
- ((Lands of Dyvers))
- ((Shield Lands))
- ((The Pomarj))
- ((Wild Coast))
!!Categories {CATPATH()}{CATPATH}