Timeline (Greyhawk)
Herein lie the unreliable record of the deeds of our ((the party|heroes)), as recalled by the senile ((wizard)), ((Darwin of the Three Winds)). May ((continuity)) have mercy on us all.
!!Current Date {INCLUDE(page="Greyhawk Current Date")}{INCLUDE}
!!History {FANCYTABLE( head="date|event", colwidths="10%|90%", colaligns="right|left")} 112 | mysteriously, ((Adri Forest)) grows out of the earth within a short few months 260 | the epic adventures of ((Ruonan)) are said to have occurred in the land of the ((Ice Barbarians)) 562 | the ((Great Druid of Adri)) assumes his position of power within the ((Great Kingdom)) 576 | guide to the ((World of Greyhawk)) completed ((Needfest)) 577 | four travelers meet by chance near ((One Ford)) and band together as ((the party)): ((Flargan)), ((Jurienne)), ((the Soap Maker)), and ((William Gromthor)) ((Fireseek)) 577 | increased ((bandit)) activity within the ((Domain of Greyhawk)) prompts ((the party)) to collect bounties near ((Two Ford)) ((Readying)) 577 | ((Charles the Bandit)) finally finds a group of ((bandits)) with whom he has a true affinity; good times ((Coldeven)) 577 | members of the ((Assassins Guild)) are found to be training at a ((peculiar manor)); ((Chair)) joins ((the party)) ((Growfest)) 577 | during a raid on a ((bandit)) camp, ((the party)) encounters ((Charles the Bandit)) and make him their new special friend ((Planting)) 577 | ((the party)) arrives at the ((Free City of Greyhawk)) and sets up shop at the ((Lord Mayor`s Palace Inn)) ((Flocktime)) 577 | ((Wealsun)) 577 | ((Arthur)) is released from his confines at ((Castle Greyhawk)) by some ((paladin)) that ((the party)) drug along ((Richfest)) 577 | ((Reaping)) 577 | ((Goodmonth)) 577 | ((Harvester)) 577 | ((Brewfest)) 577 | ((Patchwall)) 577 | ((Ready`reat)) 577 | ((Sunsebb)) 577 | ((Needfest)) 578 | ((Fireseek)) 578 | ((Readying)) 578 | ((Tim)) joins ((the party)) after parting ways with ((Arthur)) ((Coldeven)) 578 | ((Growfest)) 578 | ((Planting)) 578 | in return for helping ((Arthur)) retrieve his second eye, ((the party)) is shown an entrance to the ((Plane of Air)) by way of the ((dwarven)) mine of ((Stoneheim)). ((Huckleberry Rose)), ((Jurienne))'s long lost childhood friend, is found on that plane; although a journey of only a month, they do not return to ((Oerth)) for two years ((Flocktime)) 578 | ((Wealsun)) 578 | ((Richfest)) 578 | the ruler of the ((Theocracy of the Pale)) is overthrown by ((Veredix the Warped)) ((Reaping)) 578 | ((Goodmonth)) 578 | ((Harvester)) 578 | ((Brewfest)) 578 | ((Patchwall)) 578 | ((Ready`reat)) 578 | ((Sunsebb)) 578 | ((Charles the Bandit)) becomes apprenticed as a potato seller; he is now known as ((Charles the Potato Seller)) ((Needfest)) 579 | ((Fireseek)) 579 | ((Readying)) 579 | ((Coldeven)) 579 | ((Growfest)) 579 | ((Planting)) 579 | ((Flocktime)) 579 | ((Wealsun)) 579 | ((Richfest)) 579 | ((Reaping)) 579 | ((Goodmonth)) 579 | ((Harvester)) 579 | ((Brewfest)) 579 | ((Patchwall)) 579 | ((Ready`reat)) 579 | ((Sunsebb)) 579 | ((Needfest)) 580 | ((Fireseek)) 580 | ((Readying)) 580 | ((Coldeven)) 580 | ((Growfest)) 580 | ((Planting)) 580 | ((Flocktime)) 580 | ((the party)) returns to ((Oerth)) ((Wealsun)) 580 | ((Edgar)) constructed. ((Richfest)) 580 |Thanks to a ((deck of many things)), ((William Gromthor)) loses his soul and ((Jurienne)) recovers her euphemism. ((The Party)) launches a rescue mission to recover William's soul, eventually recovering it from the plane of water. ((Reaping)) 580 | ((The party)), on it's way to the ((Theocracy of the Pale)), is instead forcibly re-routed by the navy of the ((county of Urnst)) to ((Radigast City)) to deal with a werewolf infestation there. ((Goodmonth)) 580 | ((Arthur)), now in command of the ((Theocracy of the Pale)) by way of his control over ((Veredix the Warped)), asks ((the party)) to retrieve the ((Scepter of Rao)) from a ((green dragon)) ((Harvester)) 580 | thinking better of the plan, ((the party)) leaves the ((Scepter of Rao)) with the ((green dragon)) and escapes with their lives (heroically, of course) ((Brewfest)) 580 | ((Patchwall)) 580 | The ((Outoro Clambash)) is built. ((The Soap Maker)) drags the rest of the party to the ((plane of air)) for reasons unknown. ((Ready`reat)) 580 | ((Sunsebb)) 580 | while ((the party)) is gallivanting about the ((multi-verse)), ((Jagen Haggah)) the jester has a chance encounter with that damn ((green dragon)) and is tasked with ensuring that ((the Soap Maker)) makes good on his promise to build her an ((airship)); the jester finds himself teleported to ((the party)) ((Needfest)) 581 | ((Fireseek)) 581 | ((Readying)) 581 | ((Coldeven)) 581 | ((Growfest)) 581 | ((Planting)) 581 | ((Flocktime)) 581 | ((Wealsun)) 581 | ((Richfest)) 581 | ((Reaping)) 581 | ((Goodmonth)) 581 | ((Harvester)) 581 |The ((Stronghold of Jurienne)) is contstructed. The ((Addington Company)) is founded. After a brief period of "nerves", ((the Soap Maker)) builds the ((Unwanted Stepchild)). ((Brewfest)) 581 | ((Patchwall)) 581 | ((Ready`reat)) 581 |((The Soap Maker)) drags the rest of the party to the ((Sea of Dust)) for reasons unknown. The ((Tools of Blelrad)) are recovered from a ruin there. Staying in line with the party's tradition of releasing individuals who where locked up long ago and for good reason, the ((Liche of the Desert)) is released in the process. ((Sunsebb)) 581 |The ((Tools of Blelrad)) are returned to their original owner. ((Needfest)) 582 | ((Fireseek)) 582 | ((Readying)) 582 |((Addington Island)) is purchased by ((the Soap Maker)) from the ((Brownie King)) for the outrageous sum of 10,000 gp. ((Coldeven)) 582 | ((Growfest)) 582 | ((Planting)) 582 | ((Flocktime)) 582 | ((Wealsun)) 582 | ((Richfest)) 582 | ((Reaping)) 582 | ((Goodmonth)) 582 | ((Harvester)) 582 | ((Brewfest)) 582 | ((Patchwall)) 582 | ((Ready`reat)) 582 | ((Sunsebb)) 582 | ((Angelo)) joins ((the party)) ((Needfest)) 583 | ((Fireseek)) 583 | ((Readying)) 583 | ((Coldeven)) 583 | ((Growfest)) 583 | ((Planting)) 583 | ((Flocktime)) 583 | ((Wealsun)) 583 | ((Richfest)) 583 | ((Reaping)) 583 | ((the party)) gives the ((Scepter of Rao)) to an avatar of ((Rao)) on ((Mount Celestia)) ((Goodmonth)) 583 | ((Harvester)) 583 | ((Brewfest)) 583 | ((Patchwall)) 583 | ((Ready`reat)) 583 | ((The Party)) deals with a demonic incursion on ((Addington Island)). ((Sunsebb)) 583 | ((the Soap Maker)) arranges a trade agreement for the ((Addington Company)) with the ((Sea Princes)) at ((Monmurg)) ((Needfest)) 584 | ((Fireseek)) 584 | ((Readying)) 584 | ((Coldeven)) 584 | ((Growfest)) 584 | ((Planting)) 584 | ((Flocktime)) 584 | temples to ((Rao)) are founded in ((Adri)), ((Greyhawk)), and ((Loftwick)) ((Wealsun)) 584 | ((Richfest)) 584 | ((Reaping)) 584 | ((Goodmonth)) 584 | a soap shortage begins to become problematic in ((Greyhawk)) when the local soap makers guild stops production ((Harvester)) 584 | 1 ((Brewfest)) 584 | game returns from hiatus 2 ((Brewfest)) 584 | ((the Soap Maker)) puts an end to the soap shortage in ((Greyhawk)) 7 ((Brewfest)) 584 | the ((Great Druid of Adri)) is defeated by ((Druid|Archdruid)) ((Jimenez)) with assistance from ((the party)) 4 ((Patchwall)) 584 | ((Jimenez)) officially takes up the mantle of ((Druid|Great Druid)) of the ((Great Kingdom)); ((William Gromthor)) assumes the role of ((Druid|Archdruid)) 18 ((Ready`reat)) 584| the ((Steves Guild)), led by ((Tim)), successfully ended their feud with the ((Thieves Guild of Adri)); the bargain results in a third of the city being designated for the Steves Guild (the remaining two-thirds for the thieves guild) 1 ((Sunsebb)) 584| in their efforts to locate a ((hat of opposite alignment)), ((the party)) find themselves in the land of the ((Ice Barbarians)); a strange tale is told concerning the heroism of ((Ruonan)) some 200 years in the past 4 ((Sunsebb)) 584|((the Party)) journeys into the ((Elemental Plane of Ice)) and emerges in the year 260 {FANCYTABLE}
!!Categories {CATPATH()}{CATPATH}