Tim Barthalamue Silversmith Patterson
{DIV(class=>class, type=>div, align=>left, float=>right)} {IMG(fileId="4",link="Greyhawk+Campaign",align="center",alt="Greyhawk Campaign")}{IMG}
- ((player character))::
{IMG(fileId="5",thumb="y",width="150px",align="center",alt="Character Portrait")}{IMG} ||level|__13__ race|__((human))__ class|__((thief))__ kit|__((acrobat))__ gender|__((male))__ alignment|__((neutral good))__ affiliations|__((the Party))__%%%__((Greyhawk Thieves Guild))__%%%__((Steves Guild))__ status|__active__||{DIV} __Tim Barthalamue Silversmith Patterson__ (__Tim__ to his friends and enemies), one of the original members of ((the party)) is the notable leader of the ((Steves Guild)) in ((Adri)) and official interpreter for ((the Right Honorable Lord James Ascension II)). Of no minor repute is his pet ((hrum beetle)), ((Humphry)).
!!Notable Holdings
- ((Steves Guild))
- ((Humphry))
- ((Steve-narok))
- (alias(Tim))
!!Categories {CATPATH()}{CATPATH}