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Perceived Malignment

56 bytes removed, 18:04, 27 January 2019
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*Level: __3__3*Range: __50 feet__50 feet*Duration: __Special__Special*AoE: __1 creature__1 creature*Components: __V__V*Casting Time: __3__3*Saving Throw: __NegateNegate(Primary), None(Secondary)__
When this (([[spell)) ]] is cast on someone he becomes convinced that someone else has done him a great wrong, filling the primary target with rage and a need to seek retribution at all costs. The caster decides who the target of the subject’s rage is (i.e. the secondary target,) and while the subject is under this spell he receives an extra 1d8 hp, +3 to hit and damage, and immunity to fear and morale checks as long as he is in combat with the object of his rage. While the spell lasts, the target must attempt to hunt down and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the object of their rage, and will attack that creature exclusively for the duration of the spell. The spell lasts for 2d4+2 rounds of combat between the two or until a total of one turn has passed without the spell's target engaging in combat with his "enemy".
''status: approved for research''
[[Category:Greyhawk Campaign]]