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23 bytes removed, 07:54, 27 January 2019
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7 (([[Growfest))]]
The last day of (([[Growfest)) ]] is __Foolsday__'''Foolsday''', sacred to (([[Olidammara)) ]] and other trickster gods. In (([[Ulek)) ]] and among (([[rangers))]], it is traditional to send someone 'hunting the gawk' (a meaningless errand). The (([[Lord of Misrule)) ]] from the (([[Feast of Unreason))]], variantly named Motely or Widdershins, is sometimes elected to preside over this day as well. In (([[Greyhawk))]], the (([[Desportium of Magick)) ]] is held that night in and around the (([[Great Citadel))]].
[[Category:Greyhawk Campaign]]