no edit summary
*The last point of standing possessed by a faction may not be given away to another faction.
*Whomever has the most standing within a faction is recognized as the leader by the (([[Entity))]].*The faction with the highest standing among all its members gains control of the (([[fountain))]].
*In the case of a tie, the faction who most recently gained standing will control the fountain.
*Only the Entity may create or destroy standing.
*The (([[elder council)) ]] may make rules to govern the transfer and use of standing.
*All factions must be given the opportunity to discuss and ratify council standing rules.
*Council standing rules must be ratified by all present and put into writing.
*Council standing rule: Sending a representative to an elder meeting in lieu of the faction leader does not affect either party's standing.
#There will be no assigned seating at scheduled Elder Meetings. (6/18/10)
#The (([[Chairperson of the Board)) ]] will be the individual that represents the faction with the highest standing. (6/18/10)
#The Chairperson shall attempt to moderate meetings with no other additional powers directly granted. (6/18/10)
*Aggressive acts inside the Statler causes the aggressor to be removed ("bampfted").
*The fountain is a source of power.
*The fountain goes to the faction with the highest (cumulative) standing at the start of the night.
*Recognizing the Entity's faction leader grants you an additional bonus.
*Each faction has it's own (([[portal)) ]] into the Statler from another location.
*Anyone may use any portal.
*Whom the Entity considers the faction leader may not be whom the characters consider the leader.
*Material from the fountain may only be consumed with explicit permission from the Entity's faction leader.
*Each faction relates the the "(([[Entity))]]" in a unique way.
*There are many permanent portals connecting to the Statler.
*Characters may not open portals, hedge gates, or cross the gauntlet in the Statler.
*The benefits for acknowledging the Entity's faction leader vary by faction.
[[Category:Cast in Shadow]]