Created page with "1 ((Fireseek)) The first day following the ((Needfest)) was offically decreed as the first day of the new year by the ((Overking)) in ((Rauxes)) and has been accepted by most..."
1 ((Fireseek))
The first day following the ((Needfest)) was offically decreed as the first day of the new year by the ((Overking)) in ((Rauxes)) and has been accepted by most of the ((Oeridian)) dominated nations around the ((Flanaess)). The ((Bakluni)) nations have their own new year.
[[Category:Greyhawk Campaign]]
The first day following the ((Needfest)) was offically decreed as the first day of the new year by the ((Overking)) in ((Rauxes)) and has been accepted by most of the ((Oeridian)) dominated nations around the ((Flanaess)). The ((Bakluni)) nations have their own new year.
[[Category:Greyhawk Campaign]]