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World of Greyhawk

18 bytes removed, 19:39, 27 January 2019
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The __World '''World of Greyhawk__Greyhawk''', written by (([[Gary Gygax))]], is the base campaign setting for the (([[Greyhawk Campaign))]]. Although many publications have furthered the (([[plot)) ]] of the world of (([[Oerth))]], our game utilizes the source material published in (([[CE)) ]] 1982 for the first edition of (([[Advanced Dungeons and Dragons))]].
As far as the in-game (([[timeline)) ]] is concerned, any events occurring after (([[CY)) ]] 576 have been invented for this particular game and do not follow any other chronology. Any resemblance to published materials is entirely accidental, as the game's (([[dungeon master)) ]] has made no attempt at reconciling (([[continuity)) ]] with any consistency.
[[Category:Greyhawk Campaign]]