Steves Guild
Not to be confused with a ((thieves guild)), the __Steves Guild__ is based out of a rundown tavern in the town of ((Adri)) (east of the ((stronghold of Jurienne))) and plays host to all manner of well-mannered rogues and miscrients. The guild is more formally known as the __Steves Debating and Drinking Society__ to avoid legal disputes with the local thieves guild.
The notable head of the guild is ((Tim)), a ((human)) --((thief))-- --((charlatan))-- --((lunatic))-- nice guy. From the founding of the guild, the unusual policy of assigning all members the rank of 'steve' has strangely helped to form a good-natured bond among all the members with the exception of one. ((Steve-narok)), a ((tiefling)) ((thief)), delights in causing misery and mayhem for their own sake. He is not well liked.
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